About me
Who am I?
I am a filmmaker and photographer based in Wolverhampton, UK. Much of my current work has come from a drive to get out and wander. As such, most of my photography to date is moments found, not sought. But I have stories I want to tell and stories I want to amplify and that is the main divide in what I create.
Everywhere you look in the world it seems you will find the same issues threatening peoples rights and even their lives. In much of my work I aim to highlight the fight for human rights and equality and give a voice to the people leading the charge in bringing positive change for a better future.
You can contact me here: ryan@ryanthebird.com
My favourites
En masse
In late 2022 I focused on local wildlife while participating in the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition. A woman tipped out a bag of crumbs in a park and I watched as every pigeon, coot, goose and swan in the area flocked to the scene to battle over the free meal. The pigeons took the most territory but were bullied by many of the bigger birds.
Every so often the pigeons would get spooked and suddenly all take off, surrounding me in flapping wings. Then the coots would move in and take their share and the swans would grab whatever they could reach from the water. After a fly around the lake, the flock would return and eat what they could. Despite being so in tune as to fly away together because of some unseen threat, they also had no regard for one another and would walk over each others backs to force their way closer to the food. Bound in their fear, seperated in their hunger.
Space between
Here, I am now in a different world. Just outside of the atmosphere, I can see two planets about to collide. I don’t know if they will crash into each other or simply pop, like bubbles.
But I step back and realise I am just in a car park, standing too close to a mirror. This image, like many others, came from getting “too close”. I like that the mundane can be a door to a different world if you just get close enough and give it the attention it deserves.
Fame, money, admiration etc.
Want to do some business? Or just want to give me some feedback? Whatever it is, shoot me an email and I’ll make sure to respond.